Wednesday, November 24

Q&A link on exercise for people with SCI

Question examples include:

Question: My question would entail exercise in general and at home without medical insurance. It seems as though I have gained so much (stomach) weight because of being much less active. My injury is neck related; I cannot put any pressure on it, which also includes much less use of my upper body. Thanks so much, in advance.

Question: Please become an author at and promote your work. Thanks.

Question: I don't have a question -- but wanted to offer the NWBA website as a place to go to look up team representatives for wheelchair basketball and for wheelchair softball.
(Read all questions and answers here.)

Answers to questions submitted 10 March 2006. Requests for more questions will be asked for in the future.

Gilmore, B. & Holt, R. (2006).  RRTC on SCI: Promoting health & preventing complication through exercise. Ask the expers about daily living with a spina; cord injury (SCI)  Retrieved Nov 24 from

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