The state rehabilitation hospital is dedicated to assisting individuals achieve their highest potential and promote the wholeness of the individual. The rehab hospital specializes in serving youth & adults with spinal cord, orthopedic, neuromuscular, & visual impairments. Specially designed equipment is available for many of the activities. Adaptive equipment, Handcycles, racing chairs, tennis chairs, water skies and adaptive golf carts enable participation, comfortably & safely!
Friday, December 10
A 21-Day Strategic Plan to Feel Great!
I am currently developing a program to implement with the athletes of the w/c tennis team, quad rugby team, and the power soccer teams. I created this pamphlet (cover page, displayed here) to guide and motivate them to follow the program. I want to find out if they really do see any difference in their energy or how they feel!!
At the conclusion of this 21-day program, we expect paticipants to increase knowledge and improve behaviors related to healthy lifestyles, as indicated by the results of the instruments used. We expect participants to make personal lifestyle changes, by creating healthier routines and making them a part of their daily lives -- improving their athletic performance!
Wednesday, December 8
FREE Bike Repair Clinics!
FREE Bike Repair Clinics! --
I am preparing to impliment the Sociable Tandem Cycle Recreation Program (STCRP) with athletes here... so I'm participating in the following workshops (as some "train the trainer" training). I'll transfer this cycle maintenance knowledge to general Wheelchair Manintenance classes that I'll lead too. These are the clinincs I'm going to....
Service Clinics:
Tires/Tubes/Flat Repair:
Stranded again with a flat tire? Don't let this happen anymore. Fixing your tire is easier than you think. Let us show you how to perform this simple repair and keep your bike rides rolling.
General Maintenance:
Learn the basics to keep your bike in shape and increase its life. This clinic will cover proper lubrication, cleaning, and minor brake/derailleur adjustments.
Drive Train Care:
Ghost shifting, slipping gears, broken chains? Increase the performance of your drive train. Chain cleaning, installation and removal, and derailleur adjustments are all covered in this clinic.
Wheel Truing:
Let us show you how to straighten a bent wheel. This clinics covers the basics of wheel truing and includes broken spoke replacement. This is a hands on class for all participants.
I am preparing to impliment the Sociable Tandem Cycle Recreation Program (STCRP) with athletes here... so I'm participating in the following workshops (as some "train the trainer" training). I'll transfer this cycle maintenance knowledge to general Wheelchair Manintenance classes that I'll lead too. These are the clinincs I'm going to....
Service Clinics:
Tires/Tubes/Flat Repair:
Stranded again with a flat tire? Don't let this happen anymore. Fixing your tire is easier than you think. Let us show you how to perform this simple repair and keep your bike rides rolling.
General Maintenance:
Learn the basics to keep your bike in shape and increase its life. This clinic will cover proper lubrication, cleaning, and minor brake/derailleur adjustments.
Drive Train Care:
Ghost shifting, slipping gears, broken chains? Increase the performance of your drive train. Chain cleaning, installation and removal, and derailleur adjustments are all covered in this clinic.
Wheel Truing:
Let us show you how to straighten a bent wheel. This clinics covers the basics of wheel truing and includes broken spoke replacement. This is a hands on class for all participants.
Tuesday, December 7
USQRA Season Games 11/20/2010
2010 Quad Rugby League Games
As you know, the game of quad rugby was originally developed (called Murderball) as a game that people with quadriplegia could participate in... (Read more on its brief description at
As you know, the game of quad rugby was originally developed (called Murderball) as a game that people with quadriplegia could participate in... (Read more on its brief description at
All taped up and patiently waiting for the quad rugby matches to begin....
...on a cool foggy morning, teams arrive at the Sports Complex, to rumble

Apologies for the lack of action shots.... I was orientating and ensuring that accurate records were kept by "volunteers in training" keeping score on the official USQRA score sheets. Plus we played a few pick-up games where I, as well as one of the local w/c Tennis athletes with paraplegia participated!!!
Oh... we cleaned the scuffs of the courts after the wheelchair rumble with Lift Off 2!!! It removed rubber awesomely ; )
(Yes, those marks just above were removed after this shot:)
Sunday, December 5
Berkeley Bionics: Introducing eLEGS
Berkeley - A company called Berkeley Bionics has launched a new product called eLegs. The wearable, artificially intelligent bionic device allows people who have lost function of their legs to stand and walk.
Berkeley Bionics makes exoskeletons that "augment human strength, endurance and mobility." Today the company announced its new eLEGS product which is based on early work at the Berkeley Robotics and Human Engineering lab.
Announced at a press conference in San Francisco today, eLEGS allow a disabled or paraplegic person to walk as though they have full control over their lower body. The company says its knee flexion technology is better than competing exoskeletons which translates into the most natural human movement available by robotics today.
“Many of the six million Americans who live with some form of paralysis today were highly active and at the top of their game when they sustained their injury," said Berkeley Bionics’ CEO, Eythor Bender. "As they research their options for increased mobility, they discover wheelchairs are pretty much it. This has been the only alternative – their only hope – for nearly 500 years.
Bender says eLEGS allow disabled people to stand up and walk for the first time since their injury.
The company says walking speed depends on the patient's aptitude and condition, but it's not impossible to reach speed of 2 mph (3.2 km/h). It can be made to fit most people between 5’2 and 6’4” and weighing 220 lbs or less, in minutes. In order to fasten oneself to the device, he or she uses Velcro straps, backpack-style clips and shoulder straps. eLEGS fits over the user's clothes and shoes.
The eLEGS exoskeleton is battery-powered and uses sensors within a gesture-based human-machine interface to determine movement. It pays attention to the gestures of the user and then attempts to determine the user's intentions by initiating movement. The company says a real-time computer monitors the sensors and input devices to coordinate every aspect of a single stride.
The device will first be offered to rehab centers to use under medical supervision, the company says, and clinical trials are set to start early next year in the U.S.
Read more:
Hogg, C. (2010). Bionics: Introducing eLEGS. Digital journal. In the media. Berkeley. Retrieved Oct 7 2010 from
Saturday, December 4
League Day in December for Power Soccer of Indiana
...With a beautiful beginning to this Midwest winter day,
Duct tape fixes anything, in a pinch, even a broken foot rest...
Today the referees were calling more two-on-one's than they had in the past--some teams were encouraged to "charge the ball", leading to groupings on the ball....
In the picrture below, notice how spread out the white team is, this team's strategy seems to be to encourage each player to defend and maintain control of their area (i.e. left, center and right court); this type strategy does not lead to grouping on the ball, thus fewer two-on-one calls....
This athlete did her part to make the team whole--staying in the backcourt, protecting the goal--and enjoying every moment of the game....
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Wednesday, November 24
Q&A link on exercise for people with SCI
Question examples include:
Question: My question would entail exercise in general and at home without medical insurance. It seems as though I have gained so much (stomach) weight because of being much less active. My injury is neck related; I cannot put any pressure on it, which also includes much less use of my upper body. Thanks so much, in advance.
Question: Please become an author at and promote your work. Thanks.
Question: I don't have a question -- but wanted to offer the NWBA website as a place to go to look up team representatives for wheelchair basketball and for wheelchair softball.
Answers to questions submitted 10 March 2006. Requests for more questions will be asked for in the future.
Gilmore, B. & Holt, R. (2006). RRTC on SCI: Promoting health & preventing complication through exercise. Ask the expers about daily living with a spina; cord injury (SCI) Retrieved Nov 24 from
Question: My question would entail exercise in general and at home without medical insurance. It seems as though I have gained so much (stomach) weight because of being much less active. My injury is neck related; I cannot put any pressure on it, which also includes much less use of my upper body. Thanks so much, in advance.
Question: Please become an author at and promote your work. Thanks.
Question: I don't have a question -- but wanted to offer the NWBA website as a place to go to look up team representatives for wheelchair basketball and for wheelchair softball.
(Read all questions and answers here.)
Gilmore, B. & Holt, R. (2006). RRTC on SCI: Promoting health & preventing complication through exercise. Ask the expers about daily living with a spina; cord injury (SCI) Retrieved Nov 24 from
Tuesday, November 23
Now I've got matching burns: One on he right elbow from a rubbing wheel of the rugby chair used to play a few "pick-up" games at the recent USQRA quad rugby season games...
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Sunday, November 21
Do Certain Personalities Have Greater Capacity for Exercise? | Psych Central News
If you have a high metabolism, you are more likely to have personality traits that will draw you to a five-mile run or a game of tennis.
On the flip side, if you have a slow metabolism, the couch may look much more appealing to you.
A recent article published in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution suggests that there is now enough research to back the concept that a fundamental link exists between an individual’s personality and their capacity to exercise or generate energy -- (Click here to read more).
Chavis, S. & Ed. Grohol, J. (2010). Do certain personalities have greater capacity for exercise?. Psych central news. U of New South Wales. Retrieved Nov 19 2010 from
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On the flip side, if you have a slow metabolism, the couch may look much more appealing to you.
A recent article published in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution suggests that there is now enough research to back the concept that a fundamental link exists between an individual’s personality and their capacity to exercise or generate energy -- (Click here to read more).
Chavis, S. & Ed. Grohol, J. (2010). Do certain personalities have greater capacity for exercise?. Psych central news. U of New South Wales. Retrieved Nov 19 2010 from
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Saturday, November 20
w/c Tennis -- so fun!
Friday, November 19
Power Soccer practice: Four offense vs one defense (goalie)
Team vs Goalie...
THE OBJECT IS TO GET THE BALL IN THE GOAL (unless you're Becky, lol:).
This drill keeps the play going! Play begins with one ball available for each player. But once a ball rolls out of bounds, its out of play and can not be inbounded again... This is a good drill!! It got a bit out of control when all the athletes were just hitting the soccer balls as hard as they could, but when prompted, each athlete kept their focus, and played like a team (usually focusing on one ball at a time).... This drill kept the athletes playing aggressively. Everyone enjoyed it! It is great for practices with a lack of a full team :)
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The Secret (is not ReallY secret, ha:)
What? You mean my attitude and the internal dialogue that goes on in my head affects stuff that goes on in my life? You mean constantly complaining about what's wrong is not going to change AnYtHiNg? Oh, okay, fine, I'll just do what I enjoy doing then.... and I'll talk about what I enjoy doing... Fine. If being happy, is all there is to being happy, I'll do it.. lol :)
If you truly want to find a system or program that works for you, follow your HEART, IT KNOWS. Not your mind, not your guilt, not your social standing, NOT YOUR EGO. Your heart knows. If something resonates with you, you FEEL IT. There is no other way to put it. I mean this about everything. You can FEEL IT. Not think it, not emote about it, but FEEL IT. You will know if it is right for you. Even on this page, if it's right for you, you'll feel it.
Bob Proctor on The Secret
If you truly want to find a system or program that works for you, follow your HEART, IT KNOWS. Not your mind, not your guilt, not your social standing, NOT YOUR EGO. Your heart knows. If something resonates with you, you FEEL IT. There is no other way to put it. I mean this about everything. You can FEEL IT. Not think it, not emote about it, but FEEL IT. You will know if it is right for you. Even on this page, if it's right for you, you'll feel it.
Bob Proctor on The Secret
Thursday, November 18

One week ago, as I participated in the Community Fitness night (in Gym 1) I met Kelly, who during introductory conversation I find out is a board member of the local Independent Living Center. Within five minutes, I volunteered my assitance to any program they may need help with. I was quickly invited to assist with their upcoming event. Last evening I attended their committee meeting where I was quickly incorporated with making this an Inclusive Event. It will be an extremely interactive and fun-filled festival day -- Including: showcase games by local snd regional (maybe national?) professional athletes, as well as all inclusive Pick-up games -- where people can Try the sport!!.... with quad rugby, wheelchair tennis (hopefully doubles: AB's + athletes using w/c's), power soccer, Solo-rider golfing, hand cycling, other cycle showcasing...

Monday, November 15
A Metaphor for Rehabilitation: Finding Balance and Momentum
My creation phase...
Through the Mayo Clinic website, I have identified similar disparities in people who have experienced stroke, or mild to moderate traumatic brain injury. Symptoms identified include: (a) trouble with walking (loss of coordination, dizziness or loss of balance), (b) trouble with speaking and understanding or slurred speech, (c) headache. Other commonly co-morbid states of being of someone who has undergone trauma include (d) feeling depressed or anxious and (e) abnormal sleeping.
The goal of this program is to eliminate or minimize the identified health disparities through implimentation of a program with a of behavioral and educational objectives. The program will utilize physical, nutrition and maintenace capabilities -- via the Sociable Tandem Cycle Recreation Program and knowledge that "you are what you eat,"( for improved physical coordination and a Better Brain (Perlmutter & Colman, 2004). A pre post test will evaluate the regularity of participant’s level of symptom occurrence, as they are aware of them. This Sociable Tandem Cycle Recreation Program will include physical activity on a side-by-side tandem quadric-cycle and cycle maintenance education.
Back on the bicycle...Through the Mayo Clinic website, I have identified similar disparities in people who have experienced stroke, or mild to moderate traumatic brain injury. Symptoms identified include: (a) trouble with walking (loss of coordination, dizziness or loss of balance), (b) trouble with speaking and understanding or slurred speech, (c) headache. Other commonly co-morbid states of being of someone who has undergone trauma include (d) feeling depressed or anxious and (e) abnormal sleeping.
The goal of this program is to eliminate or minimize the identified health disparities through implimentation of a program with a of behavioral and educational objectives. The program will utilize physical, nutrition and maintenace capabilities -- via the Sociable Tandem Cycle Recreation Program and knowledge that "you are what you eat,"( for improved physical coordination and a Better Brain (Perlmutter & Colman, 2004). A pre post test will evaluate the regularity of participant’s level of symptom occurrence, as they are aware of them. This Sociable Tandem Cycle Recreation Program will include physical activity on a side-by-side tandem quadric-cycle and cycle maintenance education.

You can read the following at H.O.P.E. for Stoke -- "Healing on Positive Energy":
Maybe you remember when you were a younger person and fell off of your bicycle when you were learning to ride. Remember that feeling you had at that very moment. Your knees were bruised, hands cut and your pride bruised beyond recognition. Many of us proclaimed through our tears that we would never ride that damn bike again. Many of us, however, did get back on that bike and became proficient at it. Others were determined to hold true to their conviction of not getting on that damn bike. A few things helped us learn how to ride that bike - determination, balance and momentum. Balance and momentum were the most important. You could have had all the determination in the world, but if you didn't have balance and keep your momentum up, you fell again and again. Why is it easier to stay on a bike while moving? - momentum and balance. The same is true for stroke recovery. You can have all the determination in the world but if you do not have balance and momentum in your life, success is a tragedy.For example, if you stop whatever momentum you had in your recovery, you fall or go backward in your momentum. You also must balance your recovery, so you can build on your efforts over time. One can not do it all at once or postpone it till next week. You must balance your recovery and keep doing it at regular intervals, trying just a tad more at a time. Listen, even as Adults, we can fall off of that bike, get back on it. Ride,take that journey, you will be glad you did. Stroke Symptoms
Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms
By Mayo Clinic staff
Traumatic Brain Injury: Symptoms
Thursday, November 11
Now that's the ticket!
I rode one of these in Sparta, Wisconsin, "the Bicycle Capital of the World"; it was much more stable than the Worksman Team Dual Trike (used in my recreation intervention research), because the Worksman trike was just that, a tri-cycle instead of a quadri-cycle... and it actually flipped over on us when we had two people of different weight's on it... like 340 vs. 128 pounds. We were not greatly injured besides scrapes and bruises :)
Side-by-side tandem bicycle
I am preparing to develop and facilitate a Sociable Tandem Cycle (STC) Recreation Program with people (athletes) with Traumatic Brain Injury and (or) have experienced Stroke...
No, not exactly what I had in mind, lol.... :)
No, not exactly what I had in mind, lol.... :)
Saturday, November 6
Where's the Excitement?
The morning bike ride down familiar roads, out of town, started with freezing fingers beneath $1.99 Walgreens stretch-gloves, that subdued after twenty minutes of blood pumping cycling. On the to do list today: (a) to find my Grandoe mittens and (b) to buy fully enclosed tennis... as these meshed/breathable shoes do NOT protect against the cold!
Since the scheduled quad rugby practice did not begin as scheduled, for a while, as I waited I was quite entertained by lil'tikes having their first experience with playing with a parachute :)
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Since the scheduled quad rugby practice did not begin as scheduled, for a while, as I waited I was quite entertained by lil'tikes having their first experience with playing with a parachute :)
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how to move a soccer goal
push and wheel forward with equal force by two athletes, to slide the goal accross the gym floor!
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Friday, November 5
Indy Power Soccer is Happening!!!
Not only are there 14 or so power soccer teams in Indiana, I believe there are five teams, alone, here in Indianapolis!
That's remarkable -- we could often get only one to three athletes at a time to attend practices in the city I come from. Tonight, two full teams are playing scrimmage games... Inferno vs Cruisers. How fun!!
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That's remarkable -- we could often get only one to three athletes at a time to attend practices in the city I come from. Tonight, two full teams are playing scrimmage games... Inferno vs Cruisers. How fun!!
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Thursday, November 4
Developing a Recreational Murderball League--For All!! :)
I have been toying with this idea since 2008, and started the following discussion on the idea....
WHAT IF A PERSON CLASSIFIES TOO HIGH? (above 3.5, But wants to compete) USQRA
The discussion is to inquire if there is a wheelchair rugby team that exists for people that surpass the maximum functional limitations (i.e. to be classed to compete on a USQRQ rugby team, yet have physical disabilities)?
In other words, where would a person play if they functionally improve too much, and class too high?
If there are none, I stated that I am interested in starting a league for this level of participation.
WHAT IF A PERSON CLASSIFIES TOO HIGH? (above 3.5, But wants to compete) USQRA
The discussion is to inquire if there is a wheelchair rugby team that exists for people that surpass the maximum functional limitations (i.e. to be classed to compete on a USQRQ rugby team, yet have physical disabilities)?
In other words, where would a person play if they functionally improve too much, and class too high?
If there are none, I stated that I am interested in starting a league for this level of participation.
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